This whole week, we´ve been seeing miracles as well! We have a family of neighbors that we always greet, but we´ve never tried teaching anything to them. However, one morning, as we were walking, it crossed my mind that we should visit our neighbor.... so we started heading back in that direction. As we were heading there, we recieved a phone call from the sister that was providing lunch that day, that she needed us to come by an hour later than planned. When we arrived at our neighbor´s house, the young mother (TeĆ³fila, or ´´Techi´´) answered the door, and happily let us in. As we began talking, she started crying, and told us that she had recently been having lots of problems with her husband, and decided that day before we passed by, that she was going to separate herself from her husband, and had prayed fervently for someone to help her not feel so alone or burdened..... then we showed up! It was incredible to see how Heavenly Father works through us to bless His children! After sharing scriptures with her, and her sharing her difficulties and stories with us, we left, edified by the Spirit, and then realized, that if we had had lunch at the previously scheduled time, we wouldn´t have had time to share with Techi. Everything had been expertly planned for that visit! The next day, we passed by to get to know Eric, Techi´s husband, as well. She had previously told us that he wouldn´t likely want to talk to us, but he warmly welcomed us in, and told us that he had been acting badly, and had been emotionally hurting his wife a lot. He told us that he was willing to do anything to improve and repent, and later told Techi that he is willing to do anything the save their marriage. It really shows that the Spirit can truly soften the hardest of hearts. They accepted to be baptized on June 24th with their 8 year old son, Derrick, and even came to Stake conference... recieving the opportunity to meet the mission president. Techi then came to Felix´s baptism that evening, and was very animated to see the ordinance take place. They are now doing great and progressing rapidly. Jorge and Ana will also be having their wedding this week, and will be getting baptizd on Saturday. This week has truly been full of God´s richest blessings, and I have felt an incredible satisfaction this week, by seeing the changes in these people, and the answers and support they are recieving from God... especially as we are the tools in God´s hand for them to receive these blessings. I hope you all had an equally incredible week!
Love, Elder Checketts
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