Hey, everyone! Thanks so much for your love and encouragement. I´m loving it here in the MTC (CCM en español.) So much has happened, I don´t know where to begin!!! On the second day, I was called as the district leader, which was a little overwhelming, but I´m getting used to it now. Unfortunately, there were 5 elders going to Antofagasta Chile from our flight into Mexico (about 20 missionaries in our group in total), and I happened to be the 5th elder, so I was put in a district with five other missionaries, who are all going to the Chile, Concepción South Mission. Even though I won´t be in the field with any of them, they´re all so awesome, and we have so much fun together. There are six of us in our district, being me, my companion Elder Olsen, (who is super nice, proactive, and luckily, obedient!!!), Hermana McGregor, Hermana Wright, Elder Palmer, and Elder Cook. I feel like we all get along so well, and have a great time together, while still being able to bond spiritually. Today is Preparation day, and we also got the wonderful opportunity to travel to the Mexico City Temple. It´s such as beautiful building, and the pictures don´t do it any justice. The most amusing part of the temple though was the drive.... Mexico City knows no limits!!!! All the vehicles swerve around each other, and people weave between cars to sell things!!! It´s insane!!! I also opened all of your MTC letters. I laughed really hard at some of those!!! Sacrament meeting was completely in Spanish, which was weird, but I´ve gotten fairly comfortable giving a gospel lesson in Spanish, and saying prayers. The CCM is beautiful (the leaders call it a Garden of Eden in the middle of chaos), but in the afternoons it gets pretty hot (especially in a suit). We also love talking with the latino missionaries, Because they don´t know much English, and we don´t know much Spanish, so we both end up laughing when we try to talk to each other. Also, our zone leaders are fantastic, and are both going to Chile as well (one to Santiago, and the other to Osorno). Our district lucked out when it came to service projects though. Most people have to clean things, but our job is to greet new missionaries coming in...so we get to do that tomorrow when the new batch comes, which is super exciting!!! Hope you are all doing well, and loving life!! Keep on Keeping on!! (By the way, next week, my pday changes to Wednesday).
Love, Elder Checketts :)
So exciting! I'm happy he is doing so well.